I am Gary Michael Smith. I am a cannabis lawyer in Phoenix, Arizona.

To celebrate the once-in-a-century conjunction of 420, my organization, the Arizona Cannabis Bar Association, was to host a day of cannabis law education at a local public university. However, the pandemic changed our plans. My fellow cannabis lawyers and I (and most everyone else we know) are doing our part to keep our communities safe, by working from home to stop the spread of the coronavirus.

The virus – blind to age, nationality, race, or economic status – reminds us that the things we have in common are more meaningful than the things we do not.  Something good to come from this moment is the reminder that we are a global civilization and we do better when we work together.

Isolation does not mean we must be alone. We can still mark the occasion as a community. AND WE SHALL.

I invite every member of our worldwide cannabis tribe to join with me ~virtually~ for a moment of reflection and meditation, to remember those we lost and to celebrate that we endure.

Please share this invitation with everyone you know.

   420 at 4:20 PM  on 4/20 in 4-20

Celebrate safely in your own way, but please spare a moment of reflection.

Don’t forget to post your 420 moment to social media – watch the love circle the world


Gary Michael Smith is an attorney and arbitrator and founding member of the Phoenix Arizona-based Guidant Law Firm.   He is also a founding director and current president of the Arizona Cannabis Bar Association, board member of the Arizona Cannabis Chamber of Commerce, and contributing author to GreenEntrepreneur.